# Community Partner

Pitik Bulag

Power Corrupts | Cartoon


Power Corrupts | Cartoon

Cartoon by Steph B.

Never mind if the cause is just - anything and anybody who goes 'against' the government seems to be indiscriminately red-tagged.
Cartoon by Steph B.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Never mind if the cause is just – anything and anybody who goes ‘against’ the government seems to be indiscriminately red-tagged.

Read more about the fact-check from Akademiya at Bayan Kontra Disimpormasyon at Dayaan (ABKD).


About the Cartoonist

Steph B. is a freelance artist from Quezon City. She graduated from the University of The East with a degree in Fine Arts, Majoring in Advertising. Her first job was as an illustrator for a Philippine Canadian company called PhilMont, where she made watercolor pictures for several children’s classics and activity books. After two years, she left and became part of the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Art Section, where she stayed on for the next 22 years. Her job description was to do illustrations for all the paper’s sections, mostly for the Lifestyle Section. In 2004, she started her Full House Sunday Komix for the Junior Inquirer. Also, around this time, the Editor-In-Chief started giving her Editorial Cartoon assignments when editorial cartoonist, Jess Abrera, went on a sabbatical. A few years later, the editorial assignments became more frequent, and she became one of three permanent editorial cartoonists when Jess Abrera retired. Her last editorial cartoon for print was in February 2022, when the Inquirer made some ‘cost-cutting measure as per management instructions’ and she was let go thru email. Nowadays, her editorial cartoons can be seen on social media.

Check out her Facebook page for more editorial cartoons and works of art.

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