# Community Partner

Pitik Bulag

Fool’s gold | Cartoon


Fool’s gold | Cartoon

Cartoon by Kristoffer Flores

Just because recent rulings have suddenly gone in favor of the Marcoses does not dispel the fact that the Marcos's wealth is ill-gotten. It may just be, like wags say, weather-weather. History is more unforgiving.
Cartoon by Kristoffer Flores

As Baguio Chronicle pointed out on its fact-check, “Just because recent [court] rulings have suddenly gone in favor of the Marcoses does not dispel the fact that the Marcos’s wealth is ill-gotten. It may just be, like wags say, weather-weather. History is more unforgiving.” #FactsFirstPH

About the Cartoonist

Kristoffer Flores is a fourth-year civil engineering student, digital illustrator and cartoonist. He is currently the Graphics Editor of Tolentine Star, the official student publication of the University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos.

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