# Community Partner

Pitik Bulag

You Cannot Erase History | Cartoon


You Cannot Erase History | Cartoon

Cartoon by Robbie Komiks

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appears to be bent on distorting and trivializing the landmark historic event that toppled the despotic rule of his father.
Cartoon by Robbie Komiks

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appears to be bent on distorting and trivializing the landmark historic event that toppled the despotic rule of his father. Yet by removing the anniversary of the People Power Revolution from the list of holidays in 2024, he has done exactly the opposite— he has emphasized the significance of the event even more and underscored the villainy that the Marcos family had inflicted on the nation during FM Sr.’s presidency.

About the Cartoonist

An orthopedic surgeon by profession, Robbie dabbles in both humor and editorial cartoons in his spare time. The latter are found in his Facebook page, Robbie Komiks.

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